Vendor Prequalification With Expert Financial Analysis
Protect your business from unforeseen contractor vendor, supplier and other third-party financial risks.
Brings Expert Financial Analysis to Vendor Prequalification
Every contractual relationship in your supply chain increases your exposure to financial risk. A subcontractor default or vendor failure can cause serious disruptions, halting growth and harming profitability. Effective risk management of subcontractors and other suppliers necessitates a robust and reliable prequalification process.
Vertikal’s PreQual software and services bring a new level of transparency to external business relationships by organizing, simplifying, and monitoring key risk indicators and exposure to financial losses. This innovative solution combines dynamic software with expert financial analysis to identify potential liabilities and avoid negative financial impacts on your company.
Find Out More:
Learn how Vertikal solutions like PreQual can help your business efficiently manage the insurance, financial safety and prequalification requirements of your supply chain.
PreQual Is A Complete Prequalification Solution
Clients can choose between a full-service approach (software and service) or a self-service approach (software only), depending on their needs.

Reduce Exposure
Identify hidden threats to your company’s profitability from third-party business relationships.

Increase Accuracy
Improve collection, organization and analysis of prequalification information.

Improve Efficiency
Automate repeatable prequalification tasks, freeing staff for other activities.

Enhanced Workflows
Integrate new prequalification capabilities without disrupting current processes and workflows.

Enhance Control
Add new levels of transparency to third-party business relationships with objective and reliable scorecards.

Leverage Expertise
Access expert financial analysts to review subcontractor and supplier financial statements.
PreQual Simplifies the entire Prequalification Process.
PreQual provides powerful subcontractor qualification tools that bring simplicity and efficiency to your company’s supplier and vendor prequalification process.
Vertikal’s software platform enables effective prequalification for general contractors and others, alleviating supplier risk exposure. PreQual helps you identify risks that could adversely impact financial performance and includes advice from expert financial analysts. Regardless of what type of prequalification documents your business requires, our software can handle it.